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PacMan Game in Google, Only Today and Tomorrow!

Posted by absnet on 22 May 2010

Google Pacman

30th anniversary of Pac-Man game is apparently very special to  Google as it appears in the Google home page. Today, the Google homepage transformed into the gaming arena. If you happen to pass in front of the computer, there’s no harm in tasting or even nostalgic for the popular game in the 1980s.

Go to Google.com page, then the logo will appear a box game of Pac-Man. Wait for a few seconds before the game ready to play. If you happen to be connected with computer speakers, enjoy a typical oldies music.

Rules of the game Pac-Man : move the yellow circle through a maze of pathways forms word "Google" to take the points that are distributed in several locations. Do not colliding with the ghosts that haunt along the lines if you do not want to die. You can eat the Ghost only if you take a large yellow pills. Even dead, do not worry because the game will restart again. Use the arrow keys to navigate.

You can play even with your friends. If you have friend beside you, ask them to play together. Click the first button on the Insert Coin below the search box. Then ask your friends to use the keys W, A, S, and D to move up, left, down, and right.

Google claims Pac-man mini game is to mark important moments in pop culture influences the world. To commemorate as well as providing a place of nostalgia for the 1980s generation, this special Doodle will be available for 48 hours, Friday and Saturday. So, do not miss this short opportunity. When else?

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